In the News
Here’s the latest Saltwater Inc. news and events of note…

Saving Money & Time in Sea Scallop Fishery
EM4Fish recently published an article about Saltwater’s joint project with Coonamessett Farm Foundation (CFF) to test the feasibility of voluntary, cost-shared electronic monitoring (EM) on six commercial sea scallop fishing vessels in Massachusetts and New Jersey. Read Article
Feburary 2025Division
Massachusetts & New Jersey
How Unfamiliar Fish Are Helping Mainers Fight Food Insecurity
“Fishermen like (Geordie) King and his crew on the Brittany Lynn saw their entire industry screech to a halt when the pandemic began.” …Check out this inspiring story about how the Fishermen Feeding Mainers (FFM) helped revive the state’s groundfish industry – and feed the less fortunate in the process. The Brittany Lynn is one of the boats in the Northeast region equipped with Saltwater EM systems. Read Article
March 2024Division
Electronic Monitoring (EM)Location
Research Published
With support from the Pew Charitable Trust, Saltwater scientists teamed with New Zealand colleagues to co-author, “Optimising the review of electronic monitoring information for management of commercial fisheries.”* The team reviewed the data collection capabilities of electronic monitoring (EM) in different fisheries and developed a tool to help optimize quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness of EM review. Read Article.
*Pierre, J.P., Dunn, A., Snedeker, A. et al. Optimising the review of electronic monitoring information for management of commercial fisheries. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries (2024).
September 2024Division
Electronic Monitoring (EM)Location
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority Selects Saltwater for EM Trials in 3 Fisheries
The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) launched a trial of various EM systems from diverse providers to determine the best choice for AFMA and their fisheries. Saltwater was selected to participate in the trials in three fisheries: Great Australian Bight Trawl Sector (GAB), Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (CTS), and the Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF). Working in these new fisheries and remote locations poses new challenges, but also offered a great opportunity to expand our EM capabilities and showcase our systems – along with our commitment to high quality customer service. As an indication of our success, Saltwater has already been asked to provide additional installations beyond the initial three.
April 2024Division
Electronic Monitoring (EM)Location
Australia (South Australia & Victoria)
Saltwater & Partners Win Multiple Grants
The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), NOAA, and the Walton Family Foundation awarded Saltwater Inc. a direct grant for “Enhancing Observer Efficiency in Alaska Processing Plants through Electronic Monitoring.” Saltwater is also collaborating with four other grant winners, including Coonamessett Farm Foundation (Scallops), Pfleger Institute for Environmental Research (Swordfish), North Pacific Fisheries Association (Protocols), and Aluetians East Borough (Pollock). See a full list of recipients and project descriptions here: NFWF 2023 Grant Slate.
March 2024Division
Electronic Monitoring (EM)Location
Alaska +
Underwater Camera Proves Worthy
Saltwater worked with scientists from the Center for Fisheries Electronic Monitoring at Mote (CFEMM) to test incorporating underwater cameras with Saltwater’s standard EM system to help improve the identification of shark species in the Gulf of Mexico commercial reef fish fishery. This was the first known deployment of an underwater camera to support bycatch monitoring and results revealed that it was a successful at capturing clear underwater video footage that allowed reviewers to improve shark ID. The results were published March 8, 2024, in a peer-reviewed article on PLOS ONE. Read Article
March 2024Division
Electronic Monitoring (EM)Location
Gulf of Mexico
Protecting the Gulf of Mexico Commercial Reef Fish Fishery
The Center for Fisheries Electronic Monitoring at Mote Marine Laboratory (CFEMM) is doing great things for the Gulf of Mexico reef fish fisheries – and Saltwater is proud to be part of the story. As a recent EM4Fish article explains, the CFEMM is conducting innovative cooperative research projects that focus on developing novel tools and approaches to data collection, bycatch reduction, data and mapping automation, and artificial intelligence for several years. Saltwater is proud to provide EM equipment and expertise to the effort. Read Article.
December 2023Division
Electronic Monitoring (EM)Location
Gulf of Mexico
Saltwater Wins Grant To Establish Seaweed Processing & Distribution Hub.
Saltwater Inc., in partnership with ReGeneration North, has been recommended for a 2022 NOAA Fisheries Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant. Our project aims to address a key bottleneck inhibiting growth in Alaska’s seaweed industry – access to local processing. The primary objective of the project is to design and test a Proof of Concept (POC) seaweed processing and distribution “hub” in Homer, Alaska, that would serve multiple small farms in the Kachemak Bay region. The project aims to promote new business practices that will allow for increased seaweed production, (e.g. centralized processing and distribution), develop new local and regional markets for minimally processed seaweed, and support local production of new value-added seaweed products.
May 2022Division
New InitiativesLocation
Kachemak Bay, Alaska
Menhaden Fishery Project Highlighted in National Fisherman Article
“Working with the Gulf of Mexico menhaden fleet, NOAA researchers are working on a methodology for learning about potential sea turtle interactions with purse seines, using a combination of at-sea observers, drones and electronic monitoring cameras on menhaden boats…” Saltwater provided both the EM systems and human observers for the Proof of Concept phase, both of which will be deployed again on more boats for broader testing in the coming year. Read the National Fisherman Article, with links to project reports.
January, 2022Division
Gulf of Mexico
Saltwater Offers Fresh Eyes Aboard Swordfish Vessels
The Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research (PIER) has worked for multiple years to develop low-impact fishing methods for small boats fishing for swordfish on the West Coast. Recently they gave Saltwater the opportunity to design and test a “small boat” EM system as part of a project to compare EM and observer data for the fishery. Learn More
Nov 2021Division
Electronic Monitoring (EM)Location
West Coast
Testing EM in the Menhaden Fishery
Saltwater was recently awarded a ProTech contract by the NOAA Office of Habitat Conservation to deploy an EM system along with Protected Species Observers on a Gulf of Mexico menhaden purse seiner. This will be part of a Proof of Concept that will test various approaches to monitoring sea turtle interactions in this fishery. Depending on the results, additional vessels may be equipped with EM systems and deployed with observers under a pilot project in the coming year. This is one of 18 projects included under the Deepwater Horizon Open Ocean Trustee Implementation Group Restoration Plan.
Fall 2021Division
Gulf of Mexico
Saltwater Wins Ocean Stewardship Fund Grant
Saltwater was among 20 organizations recently selected to receive a grant from the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) Ocean Stewardship Fund – a fund dedicated to enabling and supporting sustainable fishing around the world. This year, the Fund prioritized research into observer safety given the critical role that fishery observers play in providing data used to verify that fisheries are operating responsibly. The grant will support Saltwater working in collaboration with Chordata, LLC, to create a ‘one-touch’ observer communications platform. The tool will enable fishery observers to safely communicate with their home office, or alert emergency services to unsafe working conditions. See full press release.
April 2021Division
Observer ServicesLocation
EM4Fish featured Saltwater Inc. in this month’s Industry Focus and our work developing cost-effective EM systems and services for fisheries around the world. EM4Fish is a global community of people and companies working to advance fisheries management through electronic monitoring and reporting initiatives, improved data analysis, and technological advances. Read the article full here: Industry focus: Saltwater Inc.